Thursday 9th October

Thanks to Brighton Dome for giving me a fantastic opportunity, in using their fab Corn Exchange space and lending me their lovely tech team for the last days. I’ve been in the space with Chris Umney doing lighting design, Lou Cope advising on the dramaturgy and...

Thursday 2nd October

A fascinating day, as I start to discover just how the theatrical processes might actually affect the music I write, creating useful ideas/challenges/limitations. For example, just for the very first piece: 1. Lou observing that the hammers are really lovely to watch...

Sun 28th September

On the train going to do IF WET and realizing that there are so many clear parallels between the senses and feelings of motherhood and the act of creating an instrument, that the piano texts really do feel relevant (e.g. about not knowing fully about something til you...

Sat 27th September

• Trying soundtrack of me describing Stan’s birth-day whilst watching me swinging piano from behind. Could be very tense/harsh/strong but I’d need to edit out ALL human chatty & gory/extra bits I think. • Motivated today by finding my run the other day to Lou too...