Moments of Weightlessness 2015/16 tour

Moments of Weightlessness is a devised music theatre show which Sarah created in 2014, commissioned by Brighton Dome and supported by Arts Council England.  Now on tour, this is a major turning point in Sarah’s career, giving full voice to a curiosity which has...

Seedling #2

Strumming rhythmically and continuously. Clearly useful for a background, this doesn’t interest my ears as much: but it would be interesting to listen to the minutae of it, the resonances in-between, changes in strumming, the sound of 3-strings-per-note. Perhaps...

Seedling #1

Trying to find a way to make music within or around the hecticness of life. Maybe this will be the first of regular posts, or maybe this will be the only time I do it! But the aim is clear: to explore particular inside piano techniques and to *try* to be strict on...