
Read my recent thoughts and experiences

Sun 28th September

On the train going to do IF WET and realizing that there are so many clear parallels between the senses and feelings of motherhood and the act of creating an instrument, that the...

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Sun 21st September

Been a funny day. Yesterday was extremely productive, playing with lots of different things and discovering characteristics that I hadn’t predicted (eg the curve of the piano...

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Sat 27th September

• Trying soundtrack of me describing Stan’s birth-day whilst watching me swinging piano from behind. Could be very tense/harsh/strong but I’d need to edit out ALL human chatty &...

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Inside piano music (ongoing)

Stefan Prins Piano Hero garageBand for windows 10 Think about discipline in movement, exactness, key points of sound and getting to them / away from them quickly; the anarchy or...

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Thurs 4th Sept

The start of a project… Very happy to have received my ACE funding (must get the logo up here!) and have started work on my new, solo theatre show featuring my new Inside-Out...

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A one-off piano

A one-off piano

This picture is Sarah performing in Brazil on a one-off Inside-Out Piano built there. They gave her four old uprights to choose from and two lovely carpenters to help construct...

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